Huntingdonshire map from 1673.
Privacy policy
The security of the personal information that we hold is extremely important to us. This policy explains the information that we hold and how we use personal data. It applies to everyone whose information is held by St Neots Museum, including trustees, staff, volunteers, friends, supporters, donors, lenders, visitors, enquirers, service users or anyone who gives us their personal data for any reason at all.
We do not sell personal data and we do not share personal data that we collect with any other organisations without first obtaining the consent of the individual concerned.
Who are we?
St Neots Museum is situated in St Neots town centre in the Victorian police station and Magistrates Court building. The museum’s collections are of predominantly local items and the permanent displays tell the story of the town and the surrounding area from prehistoric times to the present day.
The museum is a Registered Charity number: 800074 and a Company Limited by guarantee (with no shareholders) number: 2290819, St Neots Museum Ltd. St Neots museum is governed by a Board of Trustees and administered by a Management Committee. The museum is financed by a grant from St Neots Town Council, by donations from local Parish Councils, from the Friends of the Museum, from local people and by other fundraising initiatives.
The Object of the charity is To advance the education of the public in conservation and the history of St Neots, Cambridgeshire and its immediate environs by the
provision and maintenance of a museum.
If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or how we use your personal data please contact the Curator, who is the Data Protection Officer. Our email address is our mail address is St Neots Museum, 8
New Street, St Neots, Cambridgeshire, PE19 2ND Telephone No. 01480 214163.
What personal data do we collect?
Your personal data (any information which identifies you, or which can be identified as relating to you personally, for example, name, address, phone number, email address) will be collected and stored by us. We will only collect the personal data that we need.
We collect personal data in connection with specific activities such as donating or loaning an item, booking for and attending an event, becoming a volunteer or a Friend, taking part in our oral history scheme, making an enquiry, taking part in a raffle, competition or visitor survey, or by corresponding with us by phone, letter, email or text message. This personal data you give us may include name, title, address, date of birth, age, gender, employment status, next of kin details, demographic information, email address, telephone numbers, personal description, photographs, CCTV images, attitudes and opinions.
Personal data provided by you
This includes information you give when interacting with us, for example donating or loaning an item, booking for an event, joining the Friends, or communicating with us. Currently, we do not use this information in any way that is not explained when you provide the information. So that personal information you give when you donate or loan an item to the museum is stored in the museum and is only used when we accession your item or if we need to contact you specifically about the item, or if we need to ask you to collect a loan.
The information you give us when you book for an event in the museum is only kept until the event has taken place, we shred the participant’s information after the event. The information you provide if you book via Eventbrite is used by Eventbrite to manage your interaction with their website. Their website states:
Eventbrite, and certain approved third parties use functional, analytical and tracking cookies (or similar technologies) to understand your event preferences and provide you with a customised experience. By using Eventbrite, you agree to their terms and conditions and St Neots Museum has no control over Eventbrite and the way it uses others data.
Personal data created by your involvement with us
Your activities and involvement with us will result in personal data being created. This could include details of donations, volunteering or events you have attended.
Information we generate
We may conduct surveys which create personal data but this data is only used anonymously and the original information is destroyed once the information has been analysed
Sensitive personal data
We collect some personal data from volunteers for Equal Opportunities monitoring, this information is kept secure and is only shared with others as anonymous data, in relation to volunteers signed up to the Time Credit scheme.
If you volunteer with us then we will collect extra information about you, such as medical needs, emergency contacts, references and this information is held as long as the individual is volunteering with us. We will not share this information with any third parties and will only use the information to contact you with regard to volunteering or to send you information about museum events, activities, news etc. when you have agreed to receive it. Once a volunteer leaves the museum their personal data held for some time in case we need to contact them again and then the information is disposed of securely.
Children’s personal data
We only collect children’s personal data in relation to their family and then only if they sign up to a particular event where we need contact details (which will be those of a responsible adult), or if they come to us on work experience either through school or through a programme such as the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme. Information relating to families with children attending events or activities may be retained after the event so that we can contact them if we hold similar events in the future, this information is regularly reviewed and disposed of when no longer relevant. Information about work experience students may be held securely for several years in case it is needed for reference purposes. We may also correspond with work experience students to ensure they know when to attend or to arrange an interview. Their information is stored securely and is never shared with anyone else.
How we use your personal data
We will only use your personal data on relevant lawful grounds as permitted by the
EU General Data Protection Regulation.
Personal data provided to us will be used for the purpose or purposes outlined in any fair processing notice in a transparent manner at the time of collection or registration where appropriate, in accordance with any preferences you express. If asked by the police, or any other regulatory or government authority investigating suspected illegal activities we may need to provide your personal data.
Your personal data will be collected and used to enable us to deliver our charitable activities, to ensure we maintain our collection records, to help us raise funds or to complete an enquiry or request.
Marketing communications
Your privacy is very important to us, so we will always keep your details secure. We will use the details you have provided to us to keep you in touch with our news and events and activities if you have given us permission. We will never share your information with companies outside St Neots Museum. If you agree to receive marketing information from us you can change your contact preferences at any time or if you change your mind and no longer wish to hear from us you can let us know at any time by contacting us and asking to have your details removed from our database.
Friends and supporters membership information
If you become a Friend of the Museum there are some communications we will need to send you, such as membership payments and renewal reminders and notice of
our Annual General Meeting. If you no longer wish to be a member you can contact us at any time to let us know.
Fundraising, donations and legacy pledges
Where we have your permission we may contact you to invite you to support the museum by supporting a fundraising campaign, buying a raffle ticket, making a donation to our collection, attending an event or leaving us a gift in your will.
Museum Services Evaluation
We regularly carry our evaluation of our events and activities to get feedback from supporters, volunteers, Friends and other customers. We use this feedback to improve the services that we provide. All feedback is provided anonymously unless you agree to provide your details so that we can contact you again, this data is not shared with any third parties and is stored securely on museum premises.
Digital data collection / information collection
When you interact with St Neots Museum on the internet by visiting our website, following us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, or using messenger to contact us you need to be aware that these organisations collect information about all their users activities online and St Neots Museum has no control over how your information is used by these third parties.
What cookies do we use?
Our website uses Google Analytics, a tool to measure and analyse web traffic. Google Analytics sets cookies in order to help us understand, evaluate and optimise the use of St Neots Museum website.
Some anonymous log-file information is also collected automatically when you visit the site, such as:
- your IP (Internet Protocol) address
- your browser and operating system
- the date and time of your visit, and
- the pages you request.
This information is used to analyse overall anonymous patterns of web site use. The website also uses cookies whose purpose is to improve the performance of the
How to control and delete cookies
St Neots Museum does not use cookies to collect information that can personally identify you. However, if you wish to restrict or block the cookies which are set by us on our websites, or indeed any other website, you can do this through your browser settings.
Please be aware that disabling or restricting cookies on our website may affect your experience of the site where the functionality is controlled by the use of cookies.
If you wish to decline cookies, please select the browser you are using from the list below and follow the instructions to prevent cookies being served to you during your visit.
Internet Explorer
Alternatively, you may wish to visit the external website, which contains comprehensive information on how to do this on a wide variety of browsers. You will also find details on how to delete cookies from your computer as well as more general information about cookies
For information on how to do this on your mobile phone browser, you will need to refer to your handset manual.
Recruitment and employment
In order to comply with our contractual, statutory and management obligations and responsibilities, we process personal data, including ‘sensitive’ personal data, from job applicants and employees.
Such data can include but isn’t limited to, information relating to health, racial or ethnic origin and criminal convictions. We will not collect or process such information without consent. We will securely dispose of all information relating to recruitment once a post has been filled.
In order to carry our contractual and management responsibilities, we may from time to time, need to share an employee’s personal data with one or more third parties. For example, we will need to pass information to pension provides and HM Revenue and Customs.
St Neots Museum, 2018
More information
To become a volunteer and offer you time for one of the many roles we have contact contact us or drop in and have a chat with one of the volunteers.
Make a donation
The Treasurer
St Neots Museum
8 New Street
St Neots
Cambridgeshire PE19 1AE
If you are a tax payer and complete our Gift Aid form we can reclaim an extra 20% for each pound you give.